Firstly, my apologies to anyone who tried to use this site in the last couple of weeks and found it difficult to navigate. An automatic update left me with no buttons on the front page, no menu, no header and various other problems. Since I’ve been a bit busy and haven’t looked at the site, I didn’t notice that there was a problem. Sorry about that.
I’ve fixed most of the major problems now, but I’m still in the process of sorting some of those things out. Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible!
I’ve also been getting rid of some pages. The old version of this site has hardly been used in the last 3 years, so it’s finally getting deleted, along with some old class sites that were also no longer being accessed.
Update 30th December 2014: I think I’ve now fixed all the problems, so everything should be working again – but please let me know if I’ve missed anything.
Photo: Dustpan Kitty by Juco on Flickr. Used under Creative Commons Licence.