Optical illusions, impossible objects, examples of students’ work and more.
The mathionaire games were my very first attempt at making something interactive for this site. They are surprisingly popular, so I’ve kept them, but they do look a bit retro. (Retro is cool isn’t it?)
Recommended links:
(All links from this site are checked regularly, but obviously I can’t be responsible for the content of external links.)
The BBC Maths File Games wheel. Join your mathematical hosts Hypatia and Pythagoras and practise your maths skills while playing a variety of games. (Requires Shockwave Player) – play some great maths games on this brilliant site. (Requires Flash Player)
Count On is a brilliant website packed with great things, including some great games. (Requires Flash Player)
On the 10 ticks website, you’ll find a collection of fun maths games, including my favourites PacAlgebra and PacMaths
Visit Lots of great games, including the mathbrain arcade and maths baseball. (Some games require Flash Player)
A selection of mathematical poems, written by some of my former students.
Puzzles and Brainbenders
The coin and glass puzzles require Flash Player – sorry iPod/iPhone/iPad users!
Recommended links:
(All links from this site are checked regularly, but obviously I can’t be responsible for the content of external links.)
Can you complete the Quest of 9? Solve mathematical puzzles in order to move through a series of rooms. Can you reach the Room of 9? Designed by Vicki Parsons & YHGfL. (Requires Flash Player)
Visit a mind reader! Designed by Andy Naughton. (Requires Flash Player)
The Curious World of Pi
The pi puzzle trail requires Flash Player – sorry iPod/iPhone/iPad users!
Recommended link:
(All links from this site are checked regularly, but obviously I can’t be responsible for the content of external links.)
Remembering pi – a memory mini From BBC Scotland. (Requires Flash Player)
two more easter eggs needed
Egg-sellent Brandon! (Sorry, I couldn’t resist that!)
Hi Miss,
Just to let you know the ‘Maths is Great’ poem doesn’t work.
I found this because of the egg hunt.
Thanks for that Adam – I’ve fixed it now 🙂
How do I find the jokes page other than searching?
At the moment, you can’t. It’s supposed to be an ‘Easter Egg’, i.e. a hidden extra. Good thing? Bad idea? I’m open to suggestions on this.
hi miss! I love the website I like the mathmillionaire game it is really fun! I came on your website because Im revising for the end of year test and thought their might be good things on here!
Hi Hannah! Glad you like it. I’m going to try to make some more games next term.
great! just went onto the time mathmillionaire game I got 18,000 on it!
Can you give me algebraic poems for Jan. 6?
Hi Sabrina,
Is that I piece of homework by any chance? All the poems were written by my former students, who kindly allowed me to publish them. Why not try writing your own? Some of my students started off by writing down some mathematical keywords, then putting them into phrases and then making up other phrases wit the same rhythm or that rhymed.
Hope your poem writing goes well!
Mobius strips can be used to convey some religious ideas. The notion that G-d is continuous, without end, can be conveyed by writing certain things on the strips.